Our collaboration with Michele Lamy began as a request for a domestic totem — an object imbued with a certain cultural equity and artistry that could be displayed in one’s home.
Designed in collaboration with visionary artist Michele Lamy, OBJECT 001 was inspired by a piece of petrified wood in her personal collection. With the idea of utility in mind, she was drawn to the communal nature of a candle and its ability to bring people together around a flame.

Michele’s creative energy, distinctive personality, and generosity make her truly one-of-a-kind. Her unique vision and artistic sensibility perfectly align with the avant-garde spirit of HOUSE BY®.

Hear the story
“We want to light it and to keep it alive for the time that it lasts. I really think it's not because it’s a piece of art that it can’t burn down and still represent something.” - Michele Lamy

Michele Lamy's Interview
HOUSE BY® is an independent brand-collective that creates limited edition art objects in collaboration with the world’s most visionary and pioneering talent.
Founded by Gérard Mialet and Philippe Pérès, two celebrated figures in the world of avant-garde design, HOUSE BY® empowers its collaborators to think outside traditional design categories, pushing the boundaries of artistic imagination.

Gérard Mialet

Philippe Pérès

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